How Mechanical Hydrotherapy Benefits Your Health

First and foremost, your body only weighs 10% of its normal weight when underwater. This means that your muscles are only doing 1/10th of the work they normally do to hold your body in a comfortable position, and your joints and bones are experiencing only 1/10th of their normal stress load. This takes an enormous burden off your muscles, joints and bones and allows those organs to relax fully, relieving stress, pain and the associated negative chemical reactions that accompany both and can be harmful to your body over time.

If you are soaking in a water environment that offers water massage, either through air or water jets and bubbles, your body reacts to the gentle tingling sensations on the skin and the pleasant gentle tissue massage experienced by muscles by producing beneficial chemical reactions that help increase circulation, reduce toxins, promote healing and reduce stress. The “feel good” factor is especially important as the release of “feel good” hormones by the endocrine system are important to these beneficial chemical reactions.

Always Consult a Health Professional

As with any medical treatment, it is important that patients talk first with their doctors and embark upon home treatments only under their guidance and supervision. Too much hot or cold can cause injury or make issues worse, so its important that a knowledgeable professional help craft a treatment plan that is right for each individual. Once a treatment program has been agreed upon, progress should be monitored and reported back on an ongoing basis so that adjustments can be made as needed to protect the patient’s health and safety.